Who are the Brigin Guides?

Brigini are aged 6/7- 10/11 years old. Brigini usually meet for about an hour and a half per week and their activities include singing, dancing as well as crafts and games. They also go on days out and weekends away.

What's with all the badges?

Collecting badges is the most fun part of all... As a Brigin works her way through the programme she can earn Interest Badges. From intrepid explorers to aspiring playwrights, their is something for every girl with our badges! They provide an opportunity for the girls to develop their own skills and take on new hobbies and challenges. A cloth badge with the emblem of the particular interest will be presented to the Brigin on meeting the requirements set out in the Badge book. The interest badge book is available from our Shop.

What is the Brigin Programme?

The Brigin programme is called "Let's do it!" and is based on choices. It is divided into three levels - Bronze, Silver and Gold. There will be three badges to earn as a Brigin works through the programme.

There are 7 different elements to the programme:

Creativity: Let's be creative
Health: Let's be healthy
Out of Doors: Let's go out
International: Let's discover
Communication: Let's keep in touch
Environment: Let's go green
Special: Let's share

Bronze Level Challenges
In order to gain a badge at the Bronze level you must complete 19 Challenges.
Silver Level Challenges
In order to gain a badge at the Silver level you must complete 19 Challenges.
Gold Level Challenges
In order to gain a badge at the Gold level you must complete 19 Challenges.

What is a Patrol?

In Brigins and Guides we use the Patrol system as a way of making smaller groups within our Companies. Each Brigin is a special member of her own patrol. Each patrol has its own name, emblem and its special patrol corner. During patrol meetings the patrol plans future meetings and carries out plans already made. The Patrol will act on the decision of the majority of its members but will also take note of minority interests and try to include them as well. Each patrol has a Patrol Leader and an Assistant Patrol Leader. The Patrol Leaders and Assistant Patrol Leaders must give good example to their Guides by:

• Being punctual
• Wearing full and correct uniform
• Being enthusiastic about all activities
• Being fair to all members of the Patrol
• Refraining from using bad language
• Being respectful to adult Leaders

The Brigini Promise:

On My Honour With the Grace of God I [insert name] Promise to do my best to serve God and His Church, to help other people at all times, and to keep the Brigini Law. 

The Promise is taken by Guides and Guiders and is central to Guiding. In making the promise one acknowledges the fundamental principles of Guiding and in so doing becomes a committed member of the worldwide movement. Guiding personnel the world over make a similar Promise which unites them by a three part commitment to the same values and objectives:

• The determination to seek spiritual fulfillment
• The agreement to contribute to society
• The acceptance of a simple code: the Guide Law

The Cygnet, Brigin, Guide & Ranger Guide Promises are derived from the original Guiding PRINCIPLES presented to Guiders by the founder, Baden Powell, in 1907:

• To do my Duty to God & my country
• To help other people at all times
• To obey the Guide Law

The Brigin Guide Law:

1. A Brigin always speaks the truth
2. A Brigin promptly obeys with a smile
3. A Brigin is helpful and kind
4. A Brigin is polite and friendly
5. A Brigin is never afraid to do the right thing
6. A Brigin does

The GUIDE LAW represents guidelines for a way of life; it sets a standard which every guide strives to her best to meet. The Guide Law and the Promise are at the heart of Guiding.

The Brigin Principles:

1. A Brigin is true to her Holy Faith
2. A Brigin Loves her country
3. A Brigin is Helpful in her home

What do Brigin Guides wear?

  • Brigín neckerchief, woggle and St Brigid's Pin worn below woggle
  • White polo shirt with CGI logo
  • Brigín sweatshirt (Patrol Badge worn above CGI logo)
  • Plain navy tracksuit bottoms
  • Trainers

Uniform to be worn at all events including company meetings

Badge information

Right arm:

  • Registration badge
  • Diocesan badge
  • Wagggs badge
  • Award badges
  • CIGA badge (optional for CIGA members)

Left arm:

  • Link up badges at top
  • Interest badges
  • PL and APL pins worn on sweatshirt
Where do I buy the uniform?

Uniform can be purchased from the CGI shop online Here

Uniform queries

If you have any queries about CGI uniforms, please email [email protected]